Our Courses

coursesNoble Man offers seminars and workshops designed to help people discover their niche and maximize their productivity. Our core competencies are centered upon helping people identify their motivational gifts, so they can excel in business, school, and other areas of their lives..We offer a variety of seminars that will help you maximize your success. Our repertoire includes seminars on: Discovering Your Motivational Gifts, Moving up the Corporate Ladder, Goal Setting, and Character Building for Youth. We also offer faith-based courses through our affiliate, www.PurposeFinders.com. At Noble Man, our aim is to help you develop a strategic plan for your life, business and industry.

Motivational Gifts Training

Our Motivational Gifts training is our flagship offering. Motivational gifts determine your level of interest, intensity of focus, and the quality of your performance…in the workplace, in school, and in any other task oriented environment.

Moving up the Corporate Ladder

Identifying your niche, strategic planning, positioning and project selection: These are all important elements you must master in order to navigate upwards in your respective company or field. Our trainers will share techniques and practical insight to help you establish a viable plan for your corporate journey.

Goal Setting Strategies for Success

Do you understand the importance of setting goals? Are you setting goals that are S.M.A.R.T.?  Do you understand how to set goals that are strategic and targeted towards positive results? At Noble Man, we teach you how to develop a personal or corporate Vision, Mission, Goals, Objectives, and strategies for implementation to help you and your business to thrive.

Youth Character Building and Entrepreneurial Training

Many of the courses we share with our adult students would not be warranted if we were better poised to reach them as children and teenagers. Our aim is to instill good moral values and strategies for success into the lives of today’s youth in America. We do so by teaching them how to dress, speak and present themselves to others in a positive and confident fashion.

Our Youth Entrepreneur Training Courses offers our younger students, (ages 9-18) practical and age-appropriate ways to understand and apply core business principles, so when they enter the workplace as adults, they will be well ahead of the learning curve.